Dinger TF, Chen O, Dittfeld C, Hetze L, Hüther M, Wondrak M, Löck S, Eicheler W, Breier G, Kunz-Schughart LA.
Microenvironmentally-driven Plasticity of CD44 isoform expression determines Engraftment and Stem-like Phenotype in CRC cell lines.
Theranostics. 2020;10(17):7599-7621.

Brack FE, Kroll F, Gaus L, Bernert C, Beyreuther E, Cowan TE, Karsch L, Kraft S, Kunz-Schughart LA, Lessmann E, Metzkes-Ng J, Obst-Huebl L, Pawelke J, Rehwald M, Schlenvoigt HP, Schramm U, Sobiella M, Szabó ER, Ziegler T, Zeil K.
Spectral and spatial shaping of laser-driven proton beams using a pulsed high-field magnet beamline.
Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):9118.

Panchal O, Wichmann G, Grenman R, Eckhardt L, Kunz-Schughart LA, Franke H, Dietz A, Aigner A.
SATB1 as oncogenic driver and potential therapeutic target in head & neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).
Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):8615.


Biedermann J, Preussler M, Conde M, Peitzsch M, Richter S, Wiedemuth R, Abou-El-Ardat K, Krüger A, Meinhardt M, Schackert G, Leenders WP, Herold-Mende C,Niclou SP, Bjerkvig R, Eisenhofer G, Temme A, Seifert M, Kunz-Schughart LA,Schröck E, Klink B.
Mutant IDH1 Differently Affects Redox State and Metabolism in Glial Cells of Normal and Tumor Origin.
Cancers (Basel). 2019;11(12):2028.

Digomann D, Kurth I, Tyutyunnykova A, Chen O, Löck S, Gorodetska I, Peitzsch C, Skvortsova II, Negro G, Aschenbrenner B, Eisenhofer G, Richter S, Heiden S, Porrmann J, Klink B, Schwager C, Dowle AA, Hein L, Kunz-Schughart LA, Abdollahi A, Lohaus F, Krause M, Baumann M, Linge A, Dubrovska A.
The CD98 Heavy Chain Is a Marker and Regulator of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Radiosensitivity.
Clin Cancer Res. 2019;25(10):3152-3163.


C. Noreen Hinrichs, Mirjam Ingargiola, Theresa Käubler, Steffen Löck, Achim Temme, Alvaro Köhn-Luque, Andreas Deutsch, Olena Vovk, Oleh Stasyk, und Leoni A. Kunz.Schughardt. "Arginine Deprivation Therapy: putative Strategy to Eradicate Glioblastoma Cells by Radiosensitization". Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 17, 2 (2018) 393-406.

Thomas M. Ashton, W. Gillies McKenna, Leoni A. Kunz-Schughart, und Geoff S. Higgins. „Oxidative Phosphorylation as an Emerging Target in Cancer Therapy“. Clinical Cancer Research, 24, Nr. 11 (2018) 2482–90.

Oleg I. Chen, Yaroslav P. Bobak, Oleh V. Stasyk, und Leoni A. Kunz-Schughart. „A Complex Scenario and Underestimated Challenge: The Tumor Microenvironment, ER Stress, and Cancer Treatment“. Current Medicinal Chemistry 25, Nr. 21 (2018): 2465–2502.

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Dubrovska A., Peitzsch C., Ewe A., Aigner A., Schellenburg S., Muders M.H., Hampel S., Cirillo G., Iemma F., Tietze R., Alexiou C., Stephan H., Zarschler K., Vittorio O., Kavallaris M., Parak W.J., Mädler L., Pokhrel S. Nanoparticles for radiooncology: mission, vision, challenges. Biomaterials 120:155-184 (2017)

Manig F., Kuhne K., von Neubeck C., Schwarzenbolz U., Yu Z., Kessler B.M.,  Pietzsch J., Kunz-Schughart L.A. The why and how of amino acid analytics in cancer diagnostics and therapy. J. Biotechnol. 242:30-54 (2017)

Kurlishchuk Y., Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Grosse-Gehling P., Bobak Y., Manig F., Chen O., Merker S.R., Henle T., Löck S., Stange D.E., Stasyk O., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Co-application of canavanine and irradiation uncouples anticancer potential of arginine deprivation from citrulline availability. Oncotarget 7(45):73292-73308 (2016)

Ashton T.M., Fokas E., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Folkes L.K., Anbalagan S., Huether M., Kelly C.J., Pirovano G., Buffa F.M., Hammond E.M., Stratford M., Muschel R.J., Higgins G.S., McKenna W.G. The anti-malarial atovaquone increases radiosensitivity by alleviating tumour hypoxia. Nat. Commun. 7:12308 (2016)

Fryknäs M., Zhang X., Bremberg U., Senkowski W., Olofsson M.H., Brandt P., Persson I., D'Arcy P., Gullbo J., Nygren P., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Linder S., Larsson R. Iron chelators target both proliferating and quiescent cancer cells. Sci. Rep. 6:38343 (2016)

Vynnytska-Myronovska B.O., Kurlishchuk Y., Chen O., Bobak Y., Dittfeld C., Hüther M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stasyk O.V. Arginine starvation in colorectal carcinoma cells: Sensing, impact on translation control and cell cycle distribution. Exp. Cell Res. 341(1):67-74 (2016)

Bobak Y., Kurlishchuk Y., Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Grydzuk O., Shuvayeva G., Redowicz M.J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stasyk O. Arginine deprivation induces endoplasmic reticulum stress in human solid cancer cells. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 70:29-38 (2016)

Zscheppang K., Kurth I., Wachtel N., Dubrovska A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Cordes N. Efficacy of Beta1 Integrin and EGFR Targeting in Sphere-Forming Human Head and Neck Cancer Cells. J. Cancer 7(6):736-45 (2016)

Krüger A., Ingargiola M., Hüther M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., 3-D Kultur – (Teil-)Automatisierung der liquid-overlay-Sphäroidkultivierung. BIOspektrum 22: 480-484 (2016)

Cojoc M., Peitzsch C., Kurth I., Trautmann F., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Telegeev G.D., Stakhovsky E.A., Walker J.R., Simin K., Lyle S., Fuessel S., Erdmann K., Wirth M.P., Krause M., Baumann M., Dubrovska A. Aldehyde dehydrogenase is regulated by β-catenin/TCF and promotes radioresistance in prostate cancer progenitor cells. Cancer Res. 75(7):1482-94 (2015)

Kurth I., Hein L., Mäbert K., Peitzsch C., Koi L., Cojoc M., Kunz-Schughart L., Baumann M., Dubrovska A. Cancer Stem Cell Related Markers of Radioresistance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Oncotarget 27;6(33):34494-509 (2015)

Pavlyk I., Rzhepetskyy Y., Jagielski A.K., Drozak J., Wasik A., Pereverzieva G., Olchowik M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stasyk O., Redowicz M.J. Arginine deprivation affects glioblastoma cell adhesion, invasiveness and actin cytoskeleton organization by impairment of β-actin arginylation. Amino Acids 47(1):199-212 (2015)

Ingargiola M., Runge R., Heldt J.-M., Freudenberg R., Steinbach J., Cordes N., Baumann M., Kotzerke J., Brockhoff G., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Potential of a Cetuximab-based radioimmunotherapy (RIT) combined with external irradiation manifests in a 3-D cell assay. Int. J. Cancer 135(4):968-80 (2014)

Zhang X., Fryknäs M., Hernlund E., Fayad W., De Milito A., Olofsson M.H., Gogvadze V., Dang L., Påhlman S. Kunz Schughart L.A., Rickardson L., D'Arcy P., Gullbo J., Nygren P., Larsson R., Linder S. Induction of mitochondrial dysfunction as a strategy for targeting tumour cells in metabolically compromised microenvironments. Nat. Commun. 5:3295. (2014)

Economopoulou M., Masjkur J., Raiskup F., Ebermann D., Saha S., Karl M.O., Funk R., Jaszai J., Chavakis T., Ehrhart-Bornstein M., Pillunat L.E., Kunz-Schughart L., Kurth I., Dubrovska A., Androutsellis-Theotokis A. Expression of the transcription factor Hes3 in the mouse and human ocular surface, and in pterygium. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 90(8):700-9 (2014)

Grosse-Gehling P., Fargeas C.A., Dittfeld C., Garbe Y., Alison M.R., Corbeil D., Kunz-Schughart L.A. CD133 as a biomarker for putative cancer stem cells in solid tumours: limitations, problems and challenges. J. Pathol. 229(3):355-78 (2013)

Peitzsch C., Kurth I., Kunz-Schughart L., Baumann M., Dubrovska A. Discovery of the cancer stem cell related determinants of radioresistance. Radiother Oncol. 108(3):378-87 (2013)
Krause M., Kummer B., Deparade A., Eicheler W., Pfitzmann D., Yaromina A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Baumann M. Simultaneous PLK1 inhibition improves local tumour control after fractionated irradiation. Radiother. Oncol. 108(3):422-8 (2013)

Dietrich A., Stewart J., Huether M., Helm M., Schuetze C., Schnittler H.J., Jaffray D.A., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Macromolecule Extravasation-Xenograft Size Matters: A Systematic Study Using Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy (pCLE ). Mol.Imaging Biol. 15(6):693-702 (2013)

Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Kurlishchuk Y., Bobak Y., Dittfeld C., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stasyk O. Three-dimensional environment renders cancer cells profoundly less susceptible to a single amino acid starvation. Amino Acids 45(5):1221-30 (2013)

Eke I., Schneider L., Förster C., Zips D., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Cordes N. EGFR/JIP-4/JNK2 Signaling Attenuates Cetuximab-Mediated Radiosensitization of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells. Cancer Res. 73(1):297-306 (2013)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Mueller-Klieser W., Vaupel P. Tumor pathophysiology. Strahlenther Onkol. 188 Suppl 3: 299-303 (2012)

*Brunner T.B., *Kunz-Schughart L.A., Grosse-Gehling P, Baumann M. Cancer stem cells as a predictive factor in radiotherapy. Semin. Radiat. Oncol.. 22(2):151-74 (2012) *shared first authorship

Vynnytska-Myronovska B., Bobak Y., Garbe Y., Dittfeld C., Stasyk O., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Single amino acid arginine starvation efficiently sensitizes cancer cells to canavanine treatment and irradiation. Int. J. Cancer 130(9):2164-75 (2012)

Peickert S., Waurig J., Dittfeld C., Dietrich A., Garbe Y., Kabus L., Baumann M., Grade M., Ried T., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Rapid re-expression of CD133 protein in colorectal cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo. Lab. Invest. 92(11):1607-22 (2012)

Ingargiola M., Dittfeld C., Runge R., Zenker M., Heldt J.M., Steinbach J., Cordes N., Baumann M., Kotzerke J., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Flow cytometric cell-based assay to preselect antibody constructs for radionuclide conjugation. Cytometry A. 81(10):865-73 (2012)

Kotzerke J., Wendisch M., Freudenberg R., Runge R., Oehme L., Meyer G.J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Wunderlich G. Sodium-iodide symporter positive cells after intracellular uptake of (99m)Tc versus α-emitter 211At: Reduction of clonogenic survival and characterization of DNA damage. Nuklearmedizin. 51(5):170-8 (2012)

Yaromina A., Meyer S., Fabian C., Zaleska K., Sattler U.G., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Mueller-Klieser W., Zips D., Baumann M. Effects of three modifiers of glycolysis on ATP, lactate, hypoxia, and growth in human tumor cell lines in vivo. Strahlenther. Onkol.188(5):431- 7(2012)

Goetze K., Walenta S., Ksiazkiewicz M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Mueller-Klieser W. Lactate enhances motility of tumor cells and inhibits monocyte migration and cytokine release. Int. J. Oncol.. 39,2:453-63 (2011)

Gaiser T., Camps J., Meinhardt S., Wangsa D., Nguyen Q.T.,Varma S.¶, Dittfeld C., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Kemmerling R., Becker M.R., Heselmeyer-Haddad K., Ried T. Genome and transcriptome profiles of CD133-positive colorectal cancer cells. Am. J. Pathol. 178:1478-88 (2011)

Eckermann C., Lehle K., Schmid S., Wheatley D.N., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Characterization and modulation of fibroblast/endothelial cell co-cultures for the in vitro preformation of 3-dimensional tubular networks. Cell Biol. Int. 35(11):1097-110 (2011)

Hardelauf A., Frimat J.-P., Stewart J.D., Schormann W., Chiang Y.-Y., Lampen P., Franzke J., Hengstler J.G., Cadenas C., Kunz-Schughart L.A., West J. Microarrays for the scalable production of metabolically-relevant tumour spheroids: A tool for modulating chemosensitivity traits. Lab Chip 11(3):419-28 (2011)

Gottfried E., Rogenhofer S., Waibel H., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Reichle A., Wehrstein M., Peuker A., Peter K., Hartmannsgruber G., Andreesen R., Kreutz M. Pioglitazone modulates tumor cell metabolism and proliferation in multicellular tumor spheroids. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 67(1):117-26 (2011)

Lehle K., Straub R.H., Henning M., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Relevance of disease- and organ-specific endothelial cells for in vitro research. Cell. Biol. Int. 34:1231–1238 (2010)
Hirschhaeuser F., Menne H., Dittfeld C., West J., Mueller-Klieser W., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Multicellular tumor spheroids: An underestimated tool is catching up again. J. Biotechnol. 148(1):3-15 (2010)

Ksiazkiewicz M., Gottfried E., Kreutz M., Mack M., Hofstaedter F., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Importance of CCL2-CCR2A/2B signaling for monocyte migration into spheroids of breast cancer-derived fibroblasts. Immunobiology 215(9-10):737-47 (2010)

Dittfeld C., Dietrich A., Peickert S., Hering S., Baumann M., Grade M., Ried T., Kunz-Schughart L.A. CD133 expression is not selective for tumor-initiating or radioresistant cell populations in the CRC line HCT-116. Radiother. Oncol. 94(3):375-83 (2010)

Dietl K., Renner K., Dettmer K., Timischl B., Eberhart K., Dorn C., Hellerbrand C., Kastenberger M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Oefner P.J., Andreesen R., Gottfried E., Kreutz M.P. Lactic acid and acidification inhibit TNF secretion and glycolysis of human monocytes. J. Immunol. 184(3):1200-9 (2010)

Friedrich J., Seidel C., Ebner R., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Spheroid-based drug screen: considerations and practical approach. Nat. Protoc. 4(3):309-24. (2009)

Schmid S.A., Dietrich A., Schulte S., Gaumann A., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Fibroblastic reaction and vascular maturation in human colon cancers. Int. J. Rad. Biol. 85(11):1013-25 (2009)

Grotius J., Dittfeld C., Huether M., Mueller-Klieser W., Baumann M., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Impact of exogenous lactate on survival and radioresponse of carcinoma cells in vitro. Int. J. Rad. Biol. 85(11):989-1001 (2009)

Meyer S., Vogt T., Landthaler M., Berand A., Reichle A., Bataille F., Marx A.H., Menz A., Hartmann A., Kunz-Schughart L.A. and Wild P.J. Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) and Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPAR) are stage-dependent prognostic markers of malignant melanoma. PPAR Res.; 2009:848645 online (2009)

Beier D., Röhrl S., Pillai D.R., Schwarz S., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Leukel P., Proescholdt M., Brawanski A., Bogdahn U., Trampe-Kieslich A., Giebel B., Wischhusen J., Reifenberger G., Hau P., Beier C.P. Temozolomide preferentially depletes cancer stem cells in glioblastoma. Cancer Res. 68(14):5706-15 (2008)

Denzel A., Maus U.A., Rodriguez Gomez M., Moll C., Niedermeier M., Winter C., Maus R., Hollingshead S., Briles D.E., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Talke Y., Mack M. Basophils enhance immunological memory responses. Nat. Immunol. 9(7):733-42 (2008)

Gottfried E., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Weber A., Rehli M., Peuker A., Müller A., Kastenberger M., Brockhoff G., Andreesen R., Kreutz M. Expression of CD68 in non-myeloid cell types. Scand. J. Immunol. 67(5):453-63 (2008)

Hau P., Kunz-Schughart, L., Bogdahn U., Baumgart U., Hirschmann B., Weimann E., Mühleisen H., Ruemmele P., Steinbrecher A., Reichle A. Low-Dose Chemotherapy in Combination with COX-2 Inhibitors and PPAR-gamma Agonists in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas – a Phase-II Study. Oncology 73:21-25 (2007) – published in 2008

Krubasik D., Eisenach P.A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Murphy G., English W.R. Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor induces endothelial capillary formation through induction of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase expression in vitro. Int. J. Cancer. 122:1261-72 (2008)

Lehle K. Schreml S., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Rupprecht L., Birnbaum D.E., Schmid C., Preuner J.G. mTOR- and calcineurin-inhibitors do not affect adhesion molecule expression of human macro- and microvascular endothelial cells. J. Vasc. Res. 45(4):333-342 (2008)

Schierling W., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Muders F., Riegger G.A., Griese D.P. Fates of genetically engineered haematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cell grafts in normal and injured rat hearts. J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med. 2(6):354-64 (2008)

Weiss T.S., Lichtenauer M., Kirchner S., Stock P., Aurich H., Christ B., Brockhoff G., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Jauch K.W., Schlitt H.J., Thasler W.E. Hepatic progenitor cells from adult human livers for cell transplantation. Gut 57(8):1129-38 (2008)

Lehle K., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Schmid C. - Endothelial Cells in Cardiovascular Research - Assessment of organ- and disease-specific endothelial cells in vitro for therapeutic intervention; pp. 21-64 (Chapter 1) in: Progress in Cell Growth Process Research, Ed. T. Hayashi, NOVA Science Publisher, Hauppauge NY, USA (2008)

Friedrich J., Ebner R., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Experimental anti-tumor therapy in 3-D: Spheroids - old hat or new challenge? Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 83 :849-71 (2007)

Brühl H., Cihak J., Plachy J., Kunz-Schughart L., Niedermeier M., Denzel A., Rodriguez Gomez M., Talke Y., Luckow B., Stangassinger M., Mack M. Targeting of Gr-1+,CCR2+ monocytes in collagen-induced arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 56(9): 2975-85 (2007)

Drenkard D., Becke F.M., Langstein J., Spruss T., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Ee T.T., Chyn L.Y., Schwarz H. CD137 is expressed on blood vessel walls at sites of inflammation and enhances monocyte migratory activity. FASEB J. 21(2): 456-63 (2007)

Fischer K., Hoffmann P., Voelkl S., Meidenbauer N., Ammer J., Edinger M., Gottfried E., Schwarz S., Rothe G., Hoves S., Renner K., Timischl B., Mackensen A., Kunz-Schughart L., Andreesen R., Krause S.W., Kreutz M. Inhibitory effect of tumor cell derived lactic acid on human T cells. Blood 109(9): 3812-9 (2007)

Friedrich J., Eder W., Castaneda J., Doss M., Huber E., Ebner R., Kunz-Schughart L.A. A reliable tool to determine cell viability in complex 3-D culture: the acid-phosphatase assay. J. Biomol. Screen. 12: 925-37 (2007)

Granot D., Addadi Y., Kalchenko V., Harmelin A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Neeman M. In vivo imaging of the systemic recruitment of fibroblast to the angiogenic rim of ovarian carcinoma tumors. Cancer Res. 67: 9180-9 (2007)

Koehler A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Hofstaedter F., Dietmaier W. Multiple molecular analyses from minimal cell quantities by sequential isolation and preamplification of DNA and RNA. Diagn Mol Pathol. 16(3): 141-6 (2007)

Lehle K., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Kuhn P., Schreml S., Birnbaum D.E., Preuner J.G. Validity of a patient-derived system of tissue-specific human endothelial cells: interleukin-6 as a surrogate marker in the coronary system. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 293(3): H1721-8 (2007)

Schmid S.A., Gaumann A., Wondrak M., Eckermann C., Schulte S., Mueller-Klieser W., Wheatley D.N., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Lactate adversely affects the in vitro formation of endothelial cell tubular structures through the action of TGF-beta1. Exp Cell Res. 313(12): 2531-49 (2007)

Stadlmann S., Gueth U., Wight E., Kunz-Schughart L., Hartmann A., Singer G. Expression of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma and cyclooxygenase-2 in primary and recurrent ovarian carcinoma. J. Clin. Pathol. 60(3): 307-310 (2007)

Gottfried E., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Andreesen R., Kreutz M. Brave little world: Spheroids as an in vitro model to study tumor-immune-cell interactions. Cell Cycle. 5: 691-695 (2006)

Buettner R., Parhofer K.G., Woenckhaus M., Wrede C.E., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Schölmerich J. and Bollheimer L.C. Defining high-fat-diet rat models: metabolic and molecular effects of different fat types. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 36:485-501 (2006)

Drewel D., Luecke K., Mueller G., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Dietl B., Zeitler I., Andreesen R., Hennemann B. SCF modulates organ distribution and hematopoietic engraftment of CB-derived pluripotent HPC transplanted NOD/SCID mice. Cytotherapy 8:1-9 (2006)

Gottfried E., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Ebner S., Mueller-Klieser W., Hoves S., Andreesen R., Mackensen A., Kreutz M. Tumor-derived lactic acid modulates dendritic cell activation and antigen expression. Blood 107:2013-2021 (2006)

Grassinger J., Mueller G., Zaiss M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Andreesen R., Hennemann B. Differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells towards the myeloid and B-lymphoid lineage by hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and thrombopoietin (TPO) together with early acting cytokines. Eur. J. Haematol. 77:134-44 (2006)

Hauptmann P., Riel C., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Fröhlich K.U., Madeo F., Lehle L. Defects in N-glycosylation induce apoptosis in yeast. Mol. Microbiol. 59:765-778 (2006)

Hau P., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Ruemmele P., Arslan F., Doerfelt A., Koch H., Lohmeier A., Hirschmann B., Mueller A., Bogdahn U., Bosserhoff A.-K. Tenascin-C is induced by Transforming Growth Factor-ß1 in high-grade gliomas but does not correlate with time to tumor progression. J. Neurooncol. 77: 1-7 (2006)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Schroeder J.A., Wondrak M., van Rey F., Lehle K., Hofstaedter F., Wheatley D.N. Potential of fibroblasts to regulate the formation of 3-D vessel-like structures from endothelial cells in vitro. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 290: C1385-C1398 (2006)

Wild P.J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Stoehr R., Burger M., Blaszyk H., Simon R., Gasser T. Mihatsch M., Sauter G., Hartmann A. High-throughput tissue microarray analysis of COX2 expression in urinary bladder cancer. Int. J. Oncol. 27: 385-391(2005)

Todorov V.T., Völkl S., Friedrich J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Hehlgans T., Vermeulen L., Haegeman G., Schmitz M.L., Kurtz A. Role of CREB1 and NFkappa B-p65 in the downregulation of renin gene expression by TNFalpha. J. Biol Chem. 280: 24356-24362 (2005)

Granot D., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Neeman M. Labeling fibroblasts with biotin-BSA-GdDTPA-FAM for modality tracking of tumor associated stroma by fluorescence and MR imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 54: 789-797 (2005)

Fischer K., Voelkl S., Haymann J., Przybylski G.K., Mondal K., Laumer M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Schmidt C.A., Andreesen R., Mackensen A. Isolation and characterization of human antigen-specific TCRß+ CD4-CD8- double negative regulatory T cells. Blood 105: 2828-2835 (2005)

Lieb E., Hacker M., Tessmar J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Dahmen C., Hersel U., Kessler H., Schulz M.B., Göpferich A. Mediating specific cell adhesion to low-adhesive diblock copolymers by instant modification with cyclic RGD peptides. Biomaterials 26: 2333-41 (2005)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Freyer J.P., Hofstaedter F., Ebner R. The use of 3-D cultures for high throughput screening: the multicellular spheroid model. J. Biomol. Screen. 9: 273-285 (2004)
Silzle T., Randolph G.J., Kreutz M., Kunz-Schughart L.A. The fibroblast: sentinel cell and local immune modulator in tumor tissue. Int. J. Cancer 108: 173-180 (2004)

Diermeier S., Schmidt-Bruecken E., Kubbies M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Brockhoff G. Exposure to continuous bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) differentially affects cell cycle progression of human breast and bladder cancer cell lines. Cell Prolif. 37: 195-206 (2004)

Hart C., Drewel D., Mueller G., Grassinger J., Zaiss M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Andreesen R., Reichle A., Holler E., Hennemann B. Expression and function of homing-essential molecules and enhanced in vivo homing ability of human peripheral blood-derived hematopoietic progenitor cells after stimulation with stem cell factor (SCF). Stem Cells 22: 580-589 (2004)

Hau P., Ruemmele P., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Doerfelt A., Hirschmann B., Lohmeier A., Koch H., Mueller A., Bogdahn U., Bosserhoff A.K. Expression levels of melanoma inhibitory activity correlate with time to progression in patients with high-grade glioma. Oncol. Rep. 12:1355-1364 (2004) 

Hoffmann P., Eder R., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Andreesen R., Edinger M. Large scale in vitro expansion of polyclonal human CD4+CD25high regulatory T cells. Blood  104: 895-903 (2004)
Todorov V.T., Völkl S., Müller M., Bohla A., Klar J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Hehlgans T., Kurtz A. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha activates NFkappaB to inhibit renin transcription by targeting cAMP-responsive element. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 1458-1467 (2004)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Weber A., Rehli M., Gottfried E., Brockhoff G., Krause S.W., Andreesen R., Kreutz M., The ‘classical’ macrophage marker CD68 is strongly expressed in primary human fibroblasts. Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Path. 87: 215-223 (2003)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Wenninger S., Neumeier T., Seidl P., Knuechel R. Three-dimensional tissue structure affects sensitivity of fibroblasts to TGF-beta 1. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 284: C209-C219 (2003)

Schulz C., Wolf K., Harth M, Krätzel K., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Pfeifer M. Expression and Release of Interleukin-8 by Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells from Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Smokers, and Non-Smokers. Respiration 70: 254-261 (2003)

Silzle T., Kreutz M., Dobler M.A., Brockhoff G., Knuechel R., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Tumor-associated fibroblasts recruit blood monocytes into tumor tissue. Eur. J. Immunol. 33: 1311-1320 (2003)

Steinbauer M., Guba M., Cernaianu G., Kohl G., Cetto M,. Kunz-Schughart L.A., Geissler E.K., Falk W., Jauch K.W. GFP-transfected tumor cells are useful in examining early metastasis in vivo, but immune reaction precludes long-term tumor development studies in immunocompetent mice. Clin. Exp. Metastasis 20:135-141 (2003)

Walenta S., Van Chau T., Schroeder T., Lehr H.-A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Mueller-Klieser W. Metabolic classification of human rectal adenocarcinomas: a novel guideline for clinical oncologists? J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 129: 321-326 (2003)

Zaiss M., Hirtreiter C., Rehli M., Rehm A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Andreesen R., Hennemann B. CD84 expression on human hematopoietic progenitor cells. Exp. Hematol. 31: 798-805 (2003)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Weber A., Rehli M., Gottfried E., Brockhoff G., Krause S.W., Andreesen R., Kreutz M., The ‘classical’ macrophage marker CD68 is strongly expressed in primary human fibroblasts. Verh. Dtsch. Ges. Path. 87: 215-223 (2003)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Wenninger S., Neumeier T., Seidl P., Knuechel R. Three-dimensional tissue structure affects sensitivity of fibroblasts to TGF-beta 1. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 284: C209-C219 (2003)

Schulz C., Wolf K., Harth M, Krätzel K., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Pfeifer M. Expression and Release of Interleukin-8 by Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells from Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Smokers, and Non-Smokers. Respiration 70: 254-261 (2003)

Silzle T., Kreutz M., Dobler M.A., Brockhoff G., Knuechel R., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Tumor-associated fibroblasts recruit blood monocytes into tumor tissue. Eur. J. Immunol. 33: 1311-1320 (2003)

Steinbauer M., Guba M., Cernaianu G., Kohl G., Cetto M,. Kunz-Schughart L.A., Geissler E.K., Falk W., Jauch K.W. GFP-transfected tumor cells are useful in examining early metastasis in vivo, but immune reaction precludes long-term tumor development studies in immunocompetent mice. Clin. Exp. Metastasis 20:135-141 (2003)

Walenta S., Van Chau T., Schroeder T., Lehr H.-A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Mueller-Klieser W. Metabolic classification of human rectal adenocarcinomas: a novel guideline for clinical oncologists? J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 129: 321-326 (2003)

Zaiss M., Hirtreiter C., Rehli M., Rehm A., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Andreesen R., Hennemann B. CD84 expression on human hematopoietic progenitor cells. Exp. Hematol. 31: 798-805 (2003)
Gottfried E., Faust S., Fritsche J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Andreesen R., Miyake K., Kreutz M. Identification of genes expressed in tumor-associated macrophages. Immunobiol. 207: 351-359 (2003)

Gross C., Schmidt-Wolf I.G., Nagaraj S., Gastpar R., Ellwart J., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Multhoff G. Heat shock protein 70-reactivity is associated with increased cell surface density of CD94/CD56 on primary natural killer cells. Cell Stress Chaperones. 8: 348-360 (2003)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Knuechel R. Tumor-associated fibroblasts (part I): active stromal participants in tumor development and progression? Histol. Histopathol. 17: 599-621 (2002a)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Knuechel R. Tumor-associated-fibroblasts (part II): functional impact on tumor tissue. Histol. Histopathol. 17: 623-637 (2002b)

Bug G., Rossmanith T., Henschler R., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Schroder B., Kampfmann M., et al. Rho family small GTPases control migration of hematopoietic progenitor cells into multicellular spheroids of bone marrow stroma cells. J. Leukococyte Biol. 72 : 837-845 (2002)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Freyer J.P. Phosphorous metabolites and steady-state energetics of transformed fibroblasts during three-dimensional growth. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 283: C1287-C1297 (2002)

Seidl P., Huettinger R., Knuechel R., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Three-dimensional fibroblast-tumor cell interaction causes downregulation of RACK1 mRNA expression in breast cancer cells in vitro. Int. J. Cancer 102: 129-136 (2002)

2000 / 2001

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Heyder P., Schroeder J., Knuechel R. A heterologous 3-D co-culture model of breast tumor cells and fibroblasts to study tumor-associated fibroblast differentiation. Exp. Cell Res. 266: 74-86 (2001)

Brabletz T., Jung A., Reu S., Porzner M., Hlubek F., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Knuechel R., and Kirchner T. Variable beta-catenin expression in colorectal cancers indicates a tumor progression driven by the tumor environment. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 10356-10361 (2001).

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Habbersett R.C., and Freyer J.P. Impact of proliferative activity and tumorigenic conversion on mitochondrial function of fibroblasts in 2d and 3d culture. Cell Biol. Int.  25 (9): 919-930 (2001)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Heyder P., Schroeder J., Knuechel R. A heterologous 3-D co-culture model of breast tumor cells and fibroblasts to study tumor-associated fibroblast differentiation. Exp. Cell Res. 266: 74-86 (2001)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Doetsch J., Mueller-Klieser W.. Groebe K. Proliferative activity and tumorigenic conversion: impact on cellular metabolism in 3-D culture. Am. J. Physiol. Cell. Physiol. 278: C765-C780 (2000)

Walenta S., Doetsch J., Mueller-Klieser W., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Metabolic imaging in spheroids of oncogene-transformed rat embryo fibroblasts. J. Histochem Cytochem. 48: 509-522 (2000)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Mueller-Klieser W. Three dimensional culture. In: Animal Cell Culture: A Practical Approach (3rd edition; ed. JRW Masters), Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 123-148 (2000)

≤ 1999
Kunz-Schughart L.A. Multicellular tumor spheroids: intermediates between monolayer culture and in vivo tumor. Cell Biol. Int. 23: 157-161 (1999)

Seidl J., Knuechel R., Kunz-Schughart L.A. Evalution of membrane physiology following fluorescence activated or magnetic cell separation. Cytometry 36: 102-111 (1999)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Kreutz M., Knuechel R. Multicellular spheroids: A three-dimensional in vitro culture system to study tumor biology. Int. J. Exp. Pathol. 79: 1-23 (1998)

Greifenegger N., Jäger M., Kunz-Schughart L.A., Wolf H., Schwarzmann F. Epstein-Barr virus small RNA (EBER) genes: Differential regulation during lytic viral replication. J. Virol. 72: 9323-9328 (1998)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Habbersett R.C., Freyer J.P. Mitochondrial function in oncogene-transfected rat fibroblasts isolated from multicellular spheroids. Am. J. Physiol. Cell. Physiol. 273: C1487-C1495 (1997)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Freyer J.P. Adaptation of an automated selective dissociation procedure to two novel spheroid types. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. – An 33: 73-76 (1997)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Groebe K., Mueller-Klieser W. Three-dimensional cell culture induces novel proliferative and metabolic alterations associated with oncogenic transformation. Int. J. Cancer 66: 578-586 (1996)

Kunz-Schughart L.A., Simm A., Mueller-Klieser W. Oncogene-associated transformation of early passage rodent fibroblasts is accompanied by large morphologic and metabolic alterations. Oncol. Rep. 2: 651-661 (1995)

Kunz L.A., Mueller-Klieser W. Oncogene-associated growth behavior and oxygenation of multicellular spheroids from rat embryo fibroblasts. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 345: 359-366 (1994)

Schrezenmeir J., Kirchgessner J., Geroe L., Kunz L.A., Beyer J., Mueller-Klieser W. Effect of microencapsulation on oxygen distribution in islet organs. Tranplantation 57: 1308-1314 (1994)

Walev L., Martin E., Jonas D., Mahamadzadeh M., Mueller-Klieser W., Kunz L., Bhakdi S. Staphylococcal alpha-toxin kills human keratinocytes by permeabilizing the plasma membrane for monovalent ions. Infect. Immun. 61: 4972-4979 (1993)

Schrezenmeir J., Geroe L., Laue C., Kirchgessner A., Müller A., Hüls A., Passmann R., Hahn H.J., Kunz L.A., Mueller-Klieser W., Altmann J.J. The role of oxygen supply in islet transplantation. Transplantation Proc. 24: 2925-2929 (1992)

Kunz L.A., Mueller-Klieser W. Influences of recombinant tumor necrosis factor- on growth and oxygen consumption of MCF-7 and HT-29 cells. Cell. Physiol. Biochem. 1: 214-225 (1991)

Walenta S., Bredel A., Karbach U., Kunz L., Vollrath L., Mueller-Klieser W. Interrelationship among morphology, metabolism, and proliferation of tumor cells in monolayer and spheroid culture. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 248: 847-853 (1989)