In 2010 OncoRay was named „National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology“ (NCRO) together with the Heidelberg Institute of Radiooncology (HIRO) by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Both NCRO sites complement each other’s competence in radiation research and feature an outstanding infrastructure that keeps pace with highest international standards. In joint projects the partners are closely working together. Their shared aim is to further develop results from fundamental research for the benefit of the patients, have these results tested in clinical trials and apply them quickly to the medical routine.

The Heidelberg Institute for Radiooncology is a joint institution of the German Cancer Research Center, the University Hospital Heidelberg, the Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center and the Faculty of Medicine Heidelberg.

Close research collaboration – joint-funding-projects

Current Projects

Past Projects

NCRO Retreat

Once a year all NCRO scientists meet for a big research conference in Dresden or Heidelberg. With poster presentations, lectures, talks and discussions they actively exchange experiences and knowledge about their research.

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