OncoRay – National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology, located in Dresden, pools the strengths of the three institutions that operate it: Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital Dresden, Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf.


The OncoRay Center is an umbrella research platform, amalgamating some 80 researchers from the three institutions that operate it: Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital Dresden, Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. At OncoRay, they work in cross-disciplinary programs with a research focus on medicine, physics, biology and information science.

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OncoRay’s research groups continually share ideas and experiences. Moreover, cooperation with additional researchers at the institutions involved as well as other research institutes plays a central role.

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Proton facility in the OncoRay research building @OncoRay

The core of the OncoRay research building on the premises of Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital Dresden is an innovative proton facility. As well as providing treatment for patients, the OncoRay Center enables scientists to concurrently do research on and improve the use of protons in cancer therapy. They also work on improving classic radiation treatment, using ultra-hard x-ray beams (photons) generated by linear accelerators.


Promoting and training young researchers is an important mission at OncoRay:

  • consecutive Master’s program to train experts in medical physics
  • mentor-supported scientific training and further training for doctoral candidates
  • involvement in further training of physicians to become radiation specialists

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