Founding Members
In 2003 the concept of OncoRay and the application has been worked out by these so called Founding Members:
Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann, Speaker (Department of Radiotherapy)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dörr (Department of Radiotherapy)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Herrmann (Department of Radiotherapy)
Dr. Dietmar Lehmann (Department of Radiotherapy)
Prof. Dr. Michael Laniado (Radiology)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Kotzerke (Nuclear Medicine)
Dr. Bettina Beuthien - Baumann (Nuclear Medicine)
Prof. Dr. Jörg van den Hoff (PET-Center)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Enghardt (Researchcenter Rossendorf)
Prof. Dr. Bernd Johannsen (Researchcenter Rossendorf)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Knorr (Faculty Mechanical Engineering)
Dr. Jürgen Henniger (Faculty Mathematics-Natural Sciences)
Dipl. - Biol. Stefan Pieck (Department of Radiotherapy)
Dr. Thorsten Liebers (Medical Faculty)