Abolmaali N, Baumann M, Bristow RG, Sibson N. Imaging radiation biology for optimised radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Biol 2009; 85:729-31.

Baumann M, Krause M, Thames H, Trott K, Zips D. Cancer stem cells and radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Biol 2009; 85:391-402

Baumann M, Zips D, Appold S. Radiotherapy of lung cancer: technology meets biology meets multidisciplinarity. Radiother Oncol 2009; 91:279-81.

Bruechner K, Bergmann R, Santiago A, Mosch B, Yaromina A, Hessel F, Hofheinz F, van den Hoff J, Baumann M, Beuthien-Baumann B. Comparison of [(18)F]FDG uptake and distribution with hypoxia and proliferation in FaDu human squamous cell carcinoma (hSCC) xenografts after single dose irradiation. Int J Radiat Biol 2009; 85:772-80.

Dittfeld C, Dietrich A, Peickert S, Hering S, Baumann M, Grade M, Ried T, Kunz-Schughart LA. CD133 expression is not selective for tumor-initiating or radioresistant cell populations in the CRC cell lines HCT-116. Radiother Oncol. 2009 Aug 20.

Grotius J, Dittfeld C, Huether M, Mueller-Klieser W, Baumann M, Kunz-Schughart LA. Impact of exogenous lactate on survival and radioresponse of carcinoma cells in vitro. Int J Radiat Biol. 2009; 85:989-1001.

Hentschel M, Appold S, Schreiber A, Abramyuk A, Abolmaali N, Kotzerke J, Baumann M, Zophel K. Serial FDG-PET on patients with head and neck cancer: Implications for radiation therapy. Int J Radiat Biol 2009; 85:796-804.

Kasten-Pisula U, Menegakis A, Brammer I, Borgmann K, Mansour WY, Degenhardt S, Krause M, Schreiber A, Dahm-Daphi J, Petersen C, Dikomey E, Baumann M. The extreme radiosensitivity of the squamous cell carcinoma SKX is due to a defect in double-strand break repair. Radiother Oncol 2009; 90:257-64.

Krause M, Gurtner K, Deuse Y, Baumann M. Heterogeneity of tumour response to combined radiotherapy and EGFR inhibitors: differences between antibodies and TK inhibitors. Int J Radiat Biol. 2009; 85:943-54.

Menegakis A, Yaromina A, Eicheler W, Dörfler A, Beuthien-Baumann B, Thames HD, Baumann M, Krause M. Prediction of clonogenic cell survival curves based on the number of residual DNA double strand breaks measured by γ?H2AX staining. Int J Radiat Biol 12009; 85, 1032-41

Starmans MH, Zips D, Wouters BG, Baumann M, Lambin P. The use of a comprehensive tumour xenograft dataset to validate gene signatures relevant for radiation response. Radiother Oncol 2009; 92:

Yaromina A, Eckardt A, Zips D, Eicheler W, Schuetze C, Thames H, Baumann M. Core needle biopsies for determination of the microenvironment in individual tumours for longitudinal radiobiological studies. Radiother Oncol 2009; 92:460-465.

Yaromina A, Quennet V, Zips D, Meyer S, Shakirin G, Walenta S, Mueller-Klieser W, Baumann M. Co-localization of hypoxia and perfusion markers with parameters of glucose metabolism in human squamous cell carcinoma (hSCC) xenografts. Int J Radiat Biol Int J Radiat Biol. 2009;85:972-80(in press).

Zips D, Le K, Yaromina A, Dörfler A, Eicheler W, Zhou X, Geyer P, Hilberg F, Baumann M. Triple angiokinase inhibition, tumour hypoxia and radiation response of FaDu human squamous cell carcinomas. Radiother Oncol 2009 Apr 29.


Baumann M, Enghardt W, Herrmann T, Lehmann D, Pawelke J, Pönische F, Sazerbrey R. Neue Verfahren der Präzisions- Strahlentherapie. Wissenschaftl. Zeitschrift der TU Dresden 2008; 57:127–130.

Baumann M, Hoelscher T, Zips D. The future of IGRT - Cost Benefit Analysis. Acta Oncol. 2008;47(7):1188-1192.

Baumann M, Krause M, Hill R. Exploring the role of cancer stem cells in radioresistance. Nat Rev Cancer. 2008 Jul;8(7):545-554.

Baumann M, Krause M, Hill RP. Clonogens and cancer stem cells. Nat Rev Cancer 2008; 8 (12):990.

Bayer C, Schilling D, Hoetzel J, Egermann HP, Zips D, Yaromina A, Geurts-Moespot A, Sprague LD, Sweep F, Baumann M, Molls M, Adam M. PAI-1 levels predict response to fractionated irradiation in 10 human squamous cell carcinoma lines of the head and neck. Radiother Oncol. 2008 Mar;86(3):361-368.

Gabry? D, Dörfler A, Yaromina A, Hessel F, Krause M, Oertel R, Baumann M. Effects of lovastatin alone or combined with irradiation on tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. Strahlenther Onkol. 2008 Jan;184(1):48-53.

Gillham C, Zips D, Pönisch F, Evers C, Enghardt W, Abolmaali N, Zöphel K, Appold S, Hölscher T, Steinbach J, Kotzerke J, Herrmann T, Baumann M. Additional PET/CT in week 5-6 of radiotherapy for patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer as a means of dose escalation planning? Radiother Oncol. 2008 Sep;88(3):335-341.

Haase MG, Klawitter A, Bierhaus A, Yokoyama KK, Kasper M, Geyer P, Baumann M, Baretton GB. Inactivation of AP1 proteins by a nuclear serine protease precedes the onset of radiation-induced fibrosing alveolitis. Radiat Res. 2008 May;169(5):531-542.

Krause M, Baumann M. Clinical biomarkers of kinase activity: examples from EGFR inhibition trials. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2008 Sep;27(3):387-402.

Semrau R, Hansemann K, Adam M, Andratschke N, Brunner T, Heinzelmann F, Hildebrandt G, Vordermark D, Zips D. Quality of training in radiation oncology in Germany. Results of a 2006 survey. Strahlenther Onkol. 2008 May;184(5):239-244.

Toulany M, Dittmann K, Fehrenbacher B, Schaller M, Baumann M, Rodemann HP. PI3K-Akt signaling regulates basal, but MAP-kinase signaling regulates radiation-induced XRCC1 expression in human tumor cells in vitro. DNA Repair (Amst). 2008 Oct 1;7(10):1746-1756.

Zips D, Krause M, Yaromina A, Doerfler A, Eicheler W, Schuetze C, Gurtner K, Baumann M. Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors: biological rationale and preclinical results. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2008 Aug;60(8):1019-1028.

Zips D, Yaromina A, Thames HD, Krause M, Krause M, Hessel F, Rosner A, Schuetze C, Eicheler W, Doerfler A, Bruechner K, Menegakis A, Baumann M. Visionen bis 2020: Biologisch optimierte Strahlentherapie. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF. 2008; 355:185-190.

Zips, D. Aktuelle strahlentherapeutische Entwicklungen bei der Behandlung des Lungenkarzinoms. Mitteilungsblatt der Sächs. Krebsgesellschaft 2008; 13:4–6.


Baumann M, Ehninger G, Herrmann T, Saeger H.D, Simon M. Etablierung eines interdisziplinären Krebszentrums im Spannungsfeld interner und externer Interessen. Z Ärztl Fortbild Qualitätssich 2007; 101:153-158.

Baumann M, Krause M, Dikomey E, Dittmann K, Dörr W, Kasten-Pisula U, Rodemann HP. EGFR-targeted anti-cancer drugs in radiotherapy: preclinical evaluation of mechanisms. Radiother Oncol. 2007 Jun;83(3):238-248. Epub 2007 May 14. Review.

Dörr W, Jaal J, Zips D. Prostate cancer: biological dose considerations and constraints in tele-and brachytherapy. Strahlenther Onkol. 2007 Dec;183 Spec 2:14-15.

Eberlein-Gonska M, Schellong S, Baumann M. Zertifizierte Medizinische Zentren: Ein messbarer Vorteil für die Patientenversorgung?!. Z Ärztl Fortbild Qualitätssich 2007; 101:173-179.

Eke I, Sandfort V, Storch K, Baumann M, Röper B, Cordes N. Pharmacological inhibition of EGFR tyrosine kinase affects ILK-mediated cellular radiosensitization in vitro. Int J Radiat Biol. 2007 Nov-Dec;83(11-12):793-802.

Krause M, Fritzmann J, Rodemann P, Baumann M. Interaktionen von EGFR- und VEGFR-Inhibitoren mit Chirurgie und Strahlentherapie. Onkologe 2007; 13:67-72.

Krause M, Prager J, Zhou X, Yaromina A, Dörfler A, Eicheler W, Baumann M. EGFR-TK inhibition before radiotherapy reduces tumour volume but does not improve local control: differential response of cancer stem cells and nontumourigenic cells? Radiother Oncol. 2007 Jun;83(3):316-325. Epub 2007 May 24.

Krause M, Schmitz M, Noessner E, Skrablin PS, Wehner R, Rieber EP, Baumann M. Adoptive transfer of cytotoxic T-cells for treatment of residual disease after irradiation. Int J Radiat Biol. 2007 Nov-Dec;83(11-12):827-836.

Overgaard J, Baumann M. Translational research in radiotherapy - getting closer to the bedside. Radiother Oncol. 2007 Jun;83(3):217-219.

Raabe A, Petersen C, Krüll A. Initially accelerated fractionation of the R1H tumor of the rat increases local tumor control and might reduce impact of overall treatment time. Strahlenther Onkol. 2007 Jul;183(7):360-5.

Schütze C, Bergmann R, Yaromina A, Hessel F, Kotzerke J, Steinbach J, Baumann M, Beuthien-Baumann B. Effect of increase of radiation dose on local control relates to pre-treatment FDG uptake in FaDu tumours in nude mice. Radiother Oncol. 2007 Jun;83(3):311-315. Epub 2007 May 14.

Schütze C, Dörfler A, Eicheler W, Zips D, Hering S, Solca F, Baumann M, Krause M. Combination of EGFR/HER2 tyrosine kinase inhibition by BIBW 2992 and BIBW 2669 with irradiation in FaDu human squamous cell carcinoma. Strahlenther Onkol. 2007 May;183(5):256-264.

Tokalov SV, Gruener S, Schindler S, Iagunov AS, Baumann M, Abolmaali ND. A number of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells but neither phenotype nor differentiation capacities changes with age of rats. Mol Cells. 2007 Oct 31;24(2):255-260.

Tokalov SV, Gruener S, Schindler S, Wolf G, Baumann M, Abolmaali N. Age-related changes in the frequency of mesenchymal stem cells in the bone marrow of rats. Stem Cells Dev. 2007 Jun;16(3):439-446.

Toulany M, Baumann M, Rodemann HP. Stimulated PI3K-AKT signaling mediated through ligand or radiation-induced EGFR depends indirectly, but not directly, on constitutive K-Ras activity. Mol Cancer Res. 2007 Aug;5(8):863-872.

Weppler SA, Krause M, Zyromska A, Lambin P, Baumann M, Wouters BG. Response of U87 glioma xenografts treated with concurrent rapamycin and fractionated radiotherapy: possible role for thrombosis. Radiother Oncol. 2007 Jan;82(1):96-104. Epub 2006 Dec 11.

Yaromina A, Krause M, Thames H, Rosner A, Krause M, Hessel F, Grenman R, Zips D, Baumann M. Pre-treatment number of clonogenic cells and their radiosensitivity are major determinants of local tumour control after fractionated irradiation. Radiother Oncol. 2007 Jun;83(3):304-310. Epub 2007 May 22.

Zips D, Yaromina A, Schütze C, Wüllrich K, Krause M, Krause M, Hessel F, Eicheler W, Dörfler A, Brüchner K, Menegakis A, Zhou X, Bergmann R, van den Hoff J, Beuthien-Baumann B, Baumann M. Experimental evaluation of functional imaging for radiotherapy. Strahlenther Onkol. 2007 Dec;183 Spec No 2:41-42.


Baumann M, Dienemann H.C, Fietkau R, Rübe C, Thomas M. Therapie des nicht kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinoms (NSCLC) im lokal fortgeschrittenen Stadium (inoperables IIIA7IIIB). Onkologie 2006; 29(Suppl.2):11-14.

Baumann M. Strahlentherapie als Teil eines multidisziplinären Therapiekonzepts. Forum DKG 2006; 6:52-54.

Baumann M.Keynote comment: Radiotherapy in the age of molecular oncology. Lancet Oncol 7. 2006:786-787.

Eke I, Sandfort V, Mischkus A, Baumann M, Cordes N. Antiproliferative effects of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibition and radiation-induced genotoxic injury are attenuated by adhesion to fibronectin. Radiother Oncol. 2006 Aug;80(2):178-184. Epub 2006 Aug 7.

Geyer P, Baus W.W, Baumann M. Portal verification of high-energy electron beams using their photon contamination by film-cassette systems. Strahlenther Onkol 2006; 182:37-44.

Geyer P, Blank H, Zips D, Alheit H. Correction to BrainSCAN central axis dose calculations for 6-MV photon beams to lung with lateral electron disequilibrium. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006; 66:102-107.

Haase C, Bergmann R, Oswald J, Zips D, Pietzsch J. Neurotensin receptors in adeno- and squamous cell carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2006 Sep-Oct;26(5A):3527-3533.

Hölscher T, Bentzen SM, Baumann M. Influence of connective tissue diseases on the expression of radiation side effects: a systematic review. Radiother Oncol. 2006 Feb;78(2):123-130. Epub 2006 Jan 30. Review.

Krause M, Baumann M. Erlotinib bei nichtkleinzelligen Bronchialkarzinomen (NSCLC). Strahlenther Onkol 2006; 182:55-57.

Krause M, Zips D, Thames HD, Kummermehr J, Baumann M. Preclinical evaluation of molecular-targeted anticancer agents for radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol. 2006 Aug;80(2):112-122. Epub 2006 Aug 17. Review.

Quennet V, Yaromina A, Zips D, Rosner A, Walenta S, Baumann M, Mueller-Klieser W. Tumor lactate content predicts for response to fractionated irradiation of human squamous cell carcinomas in nude mice. Radiother Oncol. 2006 Nov;81(2):130-135. Epub 2006 Sep 14.

Schütze C, Krause M. K-ras.Mutationen in menschlichen Tumorzelllinien führen durch EGFR-abhängige Aktivierung der PI3K-AKT-Signalkaskade zur Strahlenresistenz. Strahlenther Onkol. 2006; 182:252-253.

Toulany M, Kasten-Pisula U, Brammer I, Wang S, Chen J, Dittmann K, Baumann M, Dikomey E, Rodemann HP. Blockage of epidermal growth factor receptor-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-AKT signaling increases radiosensitivity of K-RAS mutated human tumor cells in vitro by affecting DNA repair. Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Jul 1;12(13):4119-4126.

Yaromina A, Zips D, Thames HD, Eicheler W, Krause M, Rosner A, Haase M, Petersen C, Raleigh JA, Quennet V, Walenta S, Mueller-Klieser W, Baumann M. Pimonidazole labelling and response to fractionated irradiation of five human squamous cell carcinoma (hSCC) lines in nude mice: the need for a multivariate approach in biomarker studies. Radiother Oncol. 2006 Nov;81(2):122-129. Epub 2006 Sep 7.

Yaromina A, Zips D. Pleiotrope Effekte der HIF-1 Blockade auf die Strahlenempfindlichkeit von Tumoren. Strahlenther Onkol. 2006; 182:117-119.


Baumann M, Brada M. Towards equity in turbulent Europe ESTRO, European cooperation and the European Commission.Radiother Oncol. 2005; 75:251-252.

Baumann M, Petersen C, Krause M. TCP and NTCP in preclinical and clinical research in Europe. Rays. 2005 Apr-Jun;30(2):121-126. Review.

Baumann M, Petersen C. TCP and NTCP: a basic introduction. Rays. 2005 Apr-Jun;30(2):99-104. Review.

Budach V, Stuschke M, Budach W, Baumann M, Geismar D, Grabenbauer G, Lammert I, Jahnke K, Stueben G, Herrmann T, Bamberg M, Wust P, Hinkelbein W, Wernecke KD. Hyperfractionated accelerated chemoradiation with concurrent fluorouracil-mitomycin is more effective than dose-escalated hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy alone in locally advanced head and neck cancer: final results of the radiotherapy cooperative clinical trials group of the German Cancer Society 95-06 Prospective Randomized Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Feb 20;23(6):1125-1135.

Eicheler W, Krause M, Hessel F, Zips D, Baumann M. Kinetics of EGFR expression during fractionated irradiation varies between different human squamous cell carcinoma lines in nude mice. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Aug;76(2):151-156.

Herrmann T, Baumann M. Die Verlängerung der Wartezeit oder der Gesamtbehandlungszeit durch ungeplante Bestrahlungspausen: Klinische Bedeutung der Kompensation. Strahlenther Onkol 2005; 181:65-76.

Hoinkis C, Appold S, Baumann M. Adaptive correction protocol for margin reduction during radiotherapy of lung cancer patients. Biomed Tech 2005; 50(Suppl.1, P.1):623-624.

Krause M, Ostermann G, Petersen C, Yaromina A, Hessel F, Harstrick A, van der Kogel AJ, Thames HD, Baumann M. Decreased repopulation as well as increased reoxygenation contribute to the improvement in local control after targeting of the EGFR by C225 during fractionated irradiation. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Aug;76(2):162-167.

Krause M, Prager J, Wohlfarth J, Hessel F, Dorner D, Haase M, Joiner MC, Baumann M. Ultrafractionation does not improve the results of radiotherapy in radioresistant murine DDL1 lymphoma. Strahlenther Onkol. 2005 Aug;181(8):540-544.

Krause M, Schütze C, Petersen C, Pimentel N, Hessel F, Harstrick A, Baumann M. Different classes of EGFR inhibitors may have different potential to improve local tumour control after fractionated irradiation: a study on C225 in FaDu hSCC. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Feb;74(2):109-115. Epub 2004 Nov 25.

Petersen C, Baumann M. Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren und monoklonale Antikörper: vom radiobiologischen Labor zur Praxis. Onkologe 2005; 11 (Suppl.1):16-20.

Petersen C, Zips D, Krause M, Völkel W, Thames HD, Baumann M. Recovery from sublethal damage during fractionated irradiation of human FaDu SCC. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Mar;74(3):331-336.

Pfitzmann D, Eicheler W, Hering S, Dörfler A, Dreßler J, Petersen C, Baumann M. Konstanzprüfung von Experimentaltumoren: Mikrosatellitenanalyse und Immunhistochemie. Radiother Oncol 2005; 74:331-336.

Toulany M, Dittmann K, Baumann M, Rodemann HP. Radiosensitization of Ras-mutated human tumor cells in vitro by the specific EGF receptor antagonist BIBX1382BS. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Feb;74(2):117-129. Epub 2004 Dec 9.

Toulany M, Dittmann K, Krüger M, Baumann M, Rodemann HP. Radioresistance of K-Ras mutated human tumor cells is mediated through EGFR-dependent activation of PI3K-AKT pathway. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Aug;76(2):143-150.

West CM, McKay MJ, Hölscher T, Baumann M, Stratford IJ, Bristow RG, Iwakawa M, Imai T, Zingde SM, Anscher MS, Bourhis J, Begg AC, Haustermans K, Bentzen SM, Hendry JH. Molecular markers predicting radiotherapy response: report and recommendations from an International Atomic Energy Agency technical meeting. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2005 Aug 1;62(5):1264-1273.

Yaromina A, Hölscher T, Eicheler W, Rosner A, Krause M, Hessel F, Petersen C, Thames HD, Baumann M, Zips D. Does heterogeneity of pimonidazole labelling correspond to the heterogeneity of radiation-response of FaDu human squamous cell carcinoma? Radiother Oncol. 2005 Aug;76(2):206-212.

Zips D, Eicheler W, Geyer P, Hessel F, Dörfler A, Thames HD, Haberey M, Baumann M. Enhanced susceptibility of irradiated tumor vessels to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition. Cancer Res. 2005 Jun 15;65(12):5374-5379.

Zips D, Hessel F, Krause M, Schiefer Y, Hoinkis C, Thames HD, Haberey M, Baumann M. Impact of adjuvant inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases on tumor growth delay and local tumor control after fractionated irradiation in human squamous cell carcinomas in nude mice. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2005 Mar 1;61(3):908-914.

Zips D, Thames H. D, Baumann M. New anticancer agents: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. In vivo 2005; 19:1-8.

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