Abolmaali N, Haase R, Koch A, Zips D, Steinbach J, Baumann M, Kotzerke J, Zöphel K (2011) Two or four hour [18F]FMISO-PET in HNSCC. When is the contrast best? Nuklearmedizin 50: 22-27.Krause M, Yaromina A, Eicheler W, Koch U, Baumann M (2011) Cancer stem cells: targets and potential biomarkers for radiotherapy. Clin Cancer Res 17: 7224-7229.

Hentschel M, Appold S, Schreiber A, Abolmaali N, Abramyuk A, Dörr W,  Kotzerke J,  Baumann M, Zöphel K (2011) Early FDG PET at 10 or 20 Gy under chemoradiotherapy is prognostic for locoregional control and overall survival in patients with head and neck cancer. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 38: 1203-1211.

Kasten-Pisula U, Saker J, Eicheler W, Krause M, Yaromina A, Meyer-Staeckling S, Scherkl B, Kriegs M, Brandt B, Grenman R, Petersen C, Baumann M, Dikomey E (2011) Cellular and tumor radiosensitivity is correlated to epidermal growth factor expression levels in tumors without EGFR amplification. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 80: 1181-1188.

Baumann M, Herrmann T, Koch R, Matthiessen W, Appold S, Wahlers B, Kepka L,. Marschke G, Feltl D, Fietkau R, Budach V,  Dunst J, Dziadziuzsko R, Krause M, Zips D on behalf of the CHARTWEL-Bronchus study group (2011). Final results of the randomized phase III CHARTWEL-trial (ARO 97-1) comparing hyperfractionated-accelerated versus conventionally fractionated radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Radiother Oncol 100: 76-85.

Gurtner K, Deuse Y, Bütof R, Schaal K, Eicheler W, Oertel R, Grenman R, Thames H, Yaromina A, Baumann M, Krause M (2011) Diverse effects of combined radiotherapy and EGFR inhibition with antibodies or TK inhibitors on local tumour control and correlation with EGFR gene expression. Radiother Oncol 99: 323-330.

Menegakis A, Eicheler W, Yaromina A, Thames HD, Krause M, Baumann M. (2011) Residual DNA double strand breaks in perfused but not in unperfused areas determine different radiosensitivity of tumours. Radiother Oncol 100: 137-144.

Yaromina A, Kroeber T, Meinzer A, Boeke S, Thames H, Baumann M, Zips D (2011) Exploratory study of the prognostic value of microenvironmental parameters during fractionated irradiation in human squamous cell carcinoma xenografts. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 80:1205-1213.

Zaleska K, Brüchner K, Baumann M, Zips D, Yaromina A (2011) Tumour-infiltrating CD11b+ myelomonocytes and response to fractionated irradiation of human squamous cell carcinoma (hSCC) xenografts. Radiother Oncol 101: 80-85.

Zips D, Böke S, Kroeber T, Meinzer A, Brüchner K, Thames HD, Baumann M, Yaromina A (2011) Prognostic value of radiobiological hypoxia during fractionated irradiation for local tumor control. Strahlenther Onkol 187: 306-310.

Wang M, Morsbach F, Sander D, Sander D, Gheorghiu L, Nanda A, Benes C, Kriegs M, Krause M, Dikomey E, Baumann M, Dahm-Daphi J, Settleman J, Willers H (2011) EGF Receptor Inhibition Radiosensitizes NSCLC Cells by Inducing Senescence in Cells Sustaining DNA Double-Strand Breaks. Cancer Res 71: 6261-6269.


Baumann M, Hölscher T, Denham J. Fractionation in prostate cancer--is it time after all? Radiother Oncol. 2010 Jul;96(1):1-5.

Baumann M, Krause M. CD44: a cancer stem cell-related biomarker with predictive potential for radiotherapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Nov 1;16(21):5091-3.

Beyreuther E, Enghardt W, Kaluza M, Karsch L, Laschinsky L, Lessmann E, Nicolai M, Pawelke J, Richter C, Sauerbrey R, Schlenvoigt HP, Baumann M. Establishment of technical prerequisites for cell irradiation experiments with laser-accelerated electrons. Med Phys. 2010 Apr;37(4):1392-400

De Ruysscher D, Severin D, Barnes E, Baumann M, Bristow R, Grégoire V, Hölscher T, Veninga T, Polański A, Veen EB, Verfaillie C, Heeren G, Damaraju S, Just U, Haustermans K. First report on the patient database for the identification of the genetic pathways involved in patients over-reacting to radiotherapy: GENEPI-II. Radiother Oncol. 2010 Oct;97(1):36-9.

Dittfeld C, Dietrich A, Peickert S, Hering S, Baumann M, Grade M, Ried T, Kunz-Schughart LA. CD133 expression is not selective for tumor-initiating or radioresistant cell populations in the CRC cell line HCT-116. Radiother Oncol. 2010 Mar;94(3):375-83.

Eke I, Koch U, Hehlgans S, Sandfort V, Stanchi F, Zips D, Baumann M, Shevchenko A, Pilarsky C, Haase M, Baretton GB, Calleja V, Larijani B, Fässler R, Cordes N. PINCH1 regulates Akt1 activation and enhances radioresistance by inhibiting PP1alpha. J Clin Invest. 2010 Jul 1;120(7):2516-27.

Koch U, Krause M, Baumann M. Cancer stem cells at the crossroads of current cancer therapy failures--radiation oncology perspective. Semin Cancer Biol. 2010 Apr;20(2):116-24. Review.

Krause M, Baumann M (2010) Pneumonitis-Risiko nach akzelerierter Teilbrustbestrahlung mittels 3D-konformaler Strahlentherapie. Literaturkommentar. Strahlenther Onkol 186, 236-37.

Lazanyi KS, Abramyuk A, Wolf G, Tokalov S, Zöphel K, Appold S, Herrmann T, Baumann M, Abolmaali N. Usefulness of dynamic contrast enhanced computed tomography in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer scheduled for radiation therapy. Lung Cancer. 2010 Dec;70(3):280-5.

Mörchel P, Melkus G, Yaromina A, Zips D, Baumann M, Jakob PM, Flentje M. Correlating quantitative MR measurements of standardized tumor lines with histological parameters and tumor control dose. Radiother Oncol 2010, 96:123-30.

Santiago A, Eicheler W, Bussink J, Rijken P, Yaromina A, Beuthien-Baumann B, van der Kogel AJ, Baumann M, Krause M. Effect of cetuximab and fractionated irradiation on tumour micro-environment. Radiother Oncol. 2010 Nov;97(2):322-9.

Sattler UG, Meyer SS, Quennet V, Hoerner C, Knoerzer H, Fabian C, Yaromina A, Zips D, Walenta S, Baumann M, Mueller-Klieser W. Glycolytic metabolism and tumour response to fractionated irradiation. Radiother Oncol. 2010 Jan;94(1):102-9

Storch K, Eke I, Borgmann K, Krause M, Richter C, Becker K, Schröck E, Cordes N. Three-dimensional cell growth confers radioresistance by chromatin density modification. Cancer Res. 2010 May 15;70(10):3925-34.

Toulany M, Minjgee M, Kehlbach R, Chen J, Baumann M, Rodemann HP. ErbB2 expression through heterodimerization with erbB1 is necessary for ionizing radiation- but not EGF-induced activation of Akt survival pathway. Radiother Oncol. 2010 Nov;97(2):338-45.

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Wolff HA, Rolke D, Rave-Fränk M, Schirmer M, Eicheler W, Doerfler A, Hille A, Hess CF, Matthias C, Rödel RM, Christiansen H. Analysis of chemokine and chemokine receptor expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) cell lines. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2011 Mar;50(1):145-54.

Yaromina A, Thames H, Zhou X, Hering S, Eicheler W, Dörfler A, Leichtner T, Zips D, Baumann M. Radiobiological hypoxia, histological parameters of tumour microenvironment and local tumour control after fractionated irradiation. Radiother Oncol. 2010 Jul;96(1):116-22.

Yaromina A, Zips D. Biologisch-adaptierte, bildgestützte Strahlentherapie. Nuklearmedizin 2010, 49 (Suppl 1): 1-3.