Published articles:
G. Pausch; J. Berthold; W. Enghardt; K. Römer; A. Straessner; A. Wagner; T. Werner; T. Kögler
Detection Systems for Range Monitoring in Proton Therapy: Needs and Challenges
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 954(2020), 161227
T. Werner; J. Berthold; F. Hueso-Gonzalez; T. Koegler; J. Petzoldt; K. Roemer; C. Richter; A. Rinscheid; A. Straessner; W. Enghardt; G. Pausch
Processing of prompt gamma-ray timing data for proton range measurements at a clinical beam delivery
Physics in Medicine and Biology 64(2019)10, 105023
H. Rohling, M. Priegnitz, S. Schoene, A Schumann, W. Enghardt, F. Hueso-González, G. Pausch, and F. Fiedler: Requirements for a Compton camera for in vivo range verification of proton therapy; Phys. Med. Biol. 62 (2017) 2795–2811
F. Hueso-González, G. Pausch, J. Petzoldt, K. E. Römer, and W. Enghardt: Prompt Gamma Rays Detected With a BGO Block Compton Camera Reveal Range Deviations of Therapeutic Proton Beams; IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 1 (2017) 76-86
Golnik, C., Bemmerer, D., Enghardt, W., Fiedler, F., Hueso-Gonzalez, F., Pausch, G., Roemer, K., Rohling, H., Schoene, S., Wagner, L., Kormoll, T., 2016. Tests of a Compton imaging prototype in a monoenergetic 4.44MeV photon field - a benchmark setup for prompt gamma-ray imaging devices. J. Instrum. 11, P06009
S. Helmbrecht, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, M. Iltzsche, G. Pausch, C. Tintori, T. Kormoll: In-beam PET at clinical proton beams with pile-up rejection; Z. Med. Phys., in print (2016)
M. Priegnitz, S. Barczyk, L. Nenoff, C. Golnik, I. Keitz, T. Werner, S. Mein, J. Smeets, F. Vander Stappen, G. Janssens, L. Hotoiu, F. Fiedler, D. Prieels, W. Enghardt, G. Pausch, C. Richter: Towards clinical application: Prompt gamma imaging of passively scattered proton fields with a knife-edge slit camera; Phys. Med. Biol. 61 (2016) 7881-7905
G. Pausch, J. Petzoldt, M. Berthel, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, F. Hueso-González,
R. Lentering, K. Römer, K. Ruhnau, J. Stein, A. Wolf, T. Kormoll: Scintillator-Based High-Throughput Fast Timing Spectroscopy for Real-Time Range Verification in Particle Therapy; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 (2016) 664-672
C. Richter, G. Pausch, S. Barczyk, M. Priegnitz, I. Keitz, J. Thiele, J. Smeets, F. Vander Stappen, L. Bombelli, C. Fiorini, L. Hotoiu, I. Perali, D. Prieels, W. Enghardt, M. Baumann: First clinical application of a prompt gamma based in vivo proton range verification system; Radiotherapy and Oncology 118 (2016) 232–237
J. Petzoldt, K.E. Roemer, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, F. Hueso-González, S. Helmbrecht, T. Kormoll, H. Rohling, J. Smeets, T. Werner, G. Pausch: Characterization of the microbunch time structure of proton pencil beams at a clinical treatment facility; Phys Med Biol 61 (2016) 2432–2456
F. Hueso-González, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, T. Kormoll, G. Pausch, J. Petzoldt, K. Römer, W. Enghardt: Compton Camera and Prompt Gamma Ray Timing: Two Methods for In Vivo Range Assessment in Proton Therapy; Frontiers in Oncology 6 (2016) 80
Schoene, S., Enghardt, W., Fiedler, F., Golnik, C., Pausch, G., Rohling, H., Kormoll, T. An Image Reconstruction Framework and Camera Prototype Aimed for Compton Imaging for In-vivo Dosimetry of Therapeutic Ion Beams; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. (2016), in print
K. Roemer, G. Pausch, D. Bemmerer, M. Berthel, A. Dreyer, C. Golnik, F. Hueso-González, T. Kormoll, J. Petzoldt, H. Rohling, P. Thirolf, A. Wagner, L. Wagner, D. Weinberger, F. Fiedler: Characterization of scintillator crystals for usage as prompt gamma monitors in particle therapy; Journal of Instrumentation 10 (2015) P10033
H. Rohling, C. Golnik, W. Enghardt, F. Hueso-González, T. Kormoll, G. Pausch, A. Schumann, F. Fiedler: Simulation Study of a Combined Pair Production – Compton Camera for In-Vivo Dosimetry During Therapeutic Proton Irradiation; IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 62 (2015) 2023-2030
F. Hueso-Gonzalez, A.K. Biegun, P. Dendooven, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, K. Heidel, T. Kormoll, J. Petzoldt, K.E. Römer, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner, G. Pausch: Comparison of LSO and BGO block detectors for prompt gamma imaging in ion beam therapy; Journal of Instrumentation 10 (2015) P09015
F. Hueso-González, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, C. Golnik, G. Janssens, J. Petzoldt, D. Prieels, M. Priegnitz, K. E Römer, J. Smeets, F. Vander Stappen, A. Wagner, G. Pausch: First test of the prompt gamma ray timing method with heterogeneous targets at a clinical proton therapy facility; Phys. Med. Biol. 60 (2015) 6247–6272
A. Schumann, J. Petzoldt, P. Dendooven, W. Enghardt, C. Golnik, F. Hueso-González, T. Kormoll, G. Pausch, K. Roemer, F. Fiedler: Simulation and experimental verification of prompt gamma-ray emissions during proton irradiation; Phys. Med. Biol. 60 (2015) 4197–4207
C. Golnik, F. Hueso- González, A. Müller, P. Dendooven, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, T. Kormoll, K. Roemer, J. Petzoldt, A. Wagner, G. Pausch: Range assessment in particle therapy based on prompt g-ray timing measurements; Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (2014) 5399-5422
F. Hueso-González, C. Golnik, M. Berthel, A. Dreyer, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, K. Heidel, T. Kormoll, H. Rohling, S. Schöne, R. Schwengner, A. Wagner, G. Pausch: Test of Compton camera components for prompt gamma imaging at the ELBE bremsstrahlung beam; Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014) P05002