We are very pleased with the favorable resonance for the this year's workshop. The total number of participants has been reached ahead of schedule.
Thus, registration was closed on 6th October 2015.
Registration has to be done until 8th October 2015.
To ensure fruitful discussions, the workshop will be restricted to 60 participants in total. Thus, registration will close once we reach this number. To enable participation of as many institutes as possible, we recommend a limit of 3 attendees per institute and it is strongly encouraged that each institution submits at least one abstract for a poster (more are welcome).
The registration fee will be €180 for industry partners and €90 for others. It includes the two days of the workshop, lunch in the canteen at both days and conference dinner on Thursday.
Please download the registration form and send the completed form to kristin.stuetzer[at]oncoray.de.
You will receive an email with registration confirmation including the bank details for payment of registration fees.